As an artist, actor and model from Switzerland, I’m at home on the global stage. Following a successful working history as a ballet dancer, I discovered the art of Contortion and travelled to China to learn its skills. This was the beginning of what may be the craziest possible career for a contortionist.
My decision to gamble my whole future on a single card – to follow the insecure path of a stage artist in the face of every obstacle – has paid off. These days, I’m booked worldwide to take part in galas, events, variety shows, circuses, films, musicals, photoshoots … and so much more.
The range of my stage shows is constantly expanding and developing. New in the program are the "Arrowbow Number" or also called Footarchery-Contortion, and a "Quickchange Number", where you have to look very closely to understand how fast the clothes are changed!
See more about the new showacts.
"Du bist mein Wirbelwind"
Die Schlangenfrau im grossen Interview
Das Eidgenössiche Trachtenfest beehrt die Limmatstadt
"Zum Glück liebe ich es, mich zu verbiegen"
Schlangenfrau Nina Burri räumt mit Unwahrheiten über ihren Beruf auf
Dance PodGuest - Nina Burri
Porträt Nina Burri Schlangenfrau
"Nur wenn beide wollen"
«Schlangenfrau trifft auf Schlangenmann»
«Meine Planung geht bis 2023»
«Komplett sicher bin
ich nur auf der Bühne»
«Dann können wir auch gleich heiraten»
"Sie haben einen weiteren Schritt in ihrer Liebe gewagt"
"Wer ist ein Mensch, der zu wenig Anerkennung bekommt?"
"An neuen Ideen mangelt es mir nie"
"Was war die wichtigste Erfahrung deines Lebens?"
"Was ist der bisher schönste Moment Ihres Lebens?"
"Die Schlangenfrau verbiegt sich für ihre Familie"
"Zwei von einem Schlag"
"Beweglich bleiben ist das Credo"
"Nina Burri hat kein Glück beim Burger-Braten"
"Mon rêve de gosse"
"Die wichtigste Regel ist: keine Hemmungen haben"
"Befreiend und beklemmend zugleich"
"Un photographe vaudois, Patrick Dutoit, a suivi la contorsionniste du Knie dans les coulisses"
"Las Vegas wäre ein Traum"
"Die Schlangenfrau, die sich nicht verbiegen lässt"
"Schokolade fährt immer mit"
"Frau Burri, tut das nicht weh?"
"1600 Kilometer für 1 Million Franken"
"Leichtigkeit und viel Arbeit, Arbeit, Arbeit"
"Nächster Halt: Äthiopien"
"Die singende Schlangenfrau"
"Der Punkt, an dem es dem Körper Spass macht!"
"Ich bin relaxter als früher"
"J'adorerais être une contorsioniste aux cheveux gris"
"Schlangenfrau lernte mit chinesischen Kindern"
"Ich liebe Wasser!"
"No risk no fun"
"Schmerzen habe ich selten"
Working as a snakewoman, she presents her audience extraordinary contortion shows. People worldwide are fascinated by the sinuous movements, powerful allure, elegance and exciting choreography of this charismatic artist. She also offers regular workshops and seminars to pass on her expert knowledge.
Nina Burri has acted in countless exciting projects on stage and screen, in music videos and in TV commercials. Her roles often call for extraordinary physical movements that other actors find impossible to achieve.
Modelling has played a part in Nina Burri’s life for over 20 years. Her interpretative artistry has enhanced many an exhibition, book and magazine. She has also taken on the role of ambassador to help certain products attract more attention.
Nina Burri is also a speaker and a presenter. She is both entertaining and multilingual, and she prepares carefully so that she can position your event, talk or podcast in the best possible light. Most recently, she has also returned to the musical stage; there she can not only use her talent for movement, but also bring her role to life through singing and acting.